Sunday, October 01, 2006

Tauhu Goreng Sambal Kacang @ Fried Soybean Curd with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Fried Soybean Curd with Spicy Peanut Sauce

This is another of "B's" favourite one-dish meal. It's the sambal kacang @ spicy peanut sauce that he's crazy about. Btw, this sambal kacang is a similar version to what you guys would dip in your sticks of satay in. However, "B's" not so into satays though...

I had this recipe for quite sometime but don't have the time to prepare it. Or maybe becoz I don't adore sambal kacang too much so I didn't seemed to want to make it. I reckon it's because of Ramadhan and I want "B" to come home excited to his favourite sambal. I had doubts looking at the recipe and wonder if I could do it. With all the ingredients at hand, I started the preparation about 5-ish pm, 2 hours before breaking fast. Just in case if anything went wrong, I'll have enough time to come up with another meal. beams*

Hah... it wasn't really hard. The only thing I couldn't do was to taste it before serving coz I was fasting. But all went well.
I wasn't sure what else went into Tauhu Goreng besides fried soybean curd, steamed cabbages, fish crackers and hardboiled eggs. Oh, and of course the peanut sauce. "B" then explained that I could have added in fried tempe, blanced taugeh aka beansprouts and blanched longbeans. Hey, doesn't that sounds like Gado-Gado huh...??? I didn't pursue. Next time perhaps...
I also made Roti Boyan aka Bawean Bread. (I don't really know why it's name as such). I didn't fry this piece as what it's suppose to have been done. Instead, I baked it. "B" love it and so did I. It felt 'lighter' and less greasy. I love this particular Roti Boyan sold in Simei. The fillings and homemade chilli sauce were awesome. Oh, and it's rectangular in shape. Somehow, I like my Roti Boyan rectangular and not the circular ones. They're all the same though. I made my piece here circular coz I had a circle baking tray. Really, I'm that fussy!
Ingredients for Spicy Peanut Sauce
3 tbsp sambal paste
peanuts - baked and ground
1 piece dried tamarind
brown sugar
canola oil
Heat oil and fry sambal paste for a couple of minutes. Add in ground peanut. Stir. Add in dried tamarind and water. Stir well. then add in salt to taste. Let it simmer for a while. Close fire once the aroma rose.
This one-dish meal its great for vegetarians too!


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