Stayed-In coz of the FLu Bug!
Mix Rice in a box for "B"

It took sooo bloody long @ the clinic. There were like a gazillion other people. Seemed like all were either sneezing , coughing or slumped to a chair. We ALL spotted the same gear. Sweatshirts in a sunny morning! Finally I got to see the doc and finally, finally made my way out with a plastic bag full of medicines. Headed straight home. With this probbing headached, I couldn't stay a minute longer outside. I need me bed and fluffy pillows and a warm mug of honey... :-(
Slept for awhile and I didn't stay idle after that. Meeting "B" for Baybeats. I JUST gotta go! Hope this flu will tame whislt I'm there. I already got my gear sorted out the night before and sooo itching to be there. I had nothing but only a cup of chilled milk in the morning before the doc's and a takeaway cup of hot cocoa at Starbucky after the visit (oh, I made a slight detour coz Starbucks was just across the road and I can't missed it. Can I???). So this homemade dinner in a box with "B" kinda sums up a whole day's meal.
Still HATED frying. The oil went up rocket high when I put in this bugger!

For the record, I FRIED fish today, Black Pomfret. Yeh... if you were to follow my entries, I HATE FRYING coz of a bad experience billion years back. Donno why today I made the exception. Maybe I'm letting "B" have a go with fried stuff for today.
I'm fine without a full meal but NOT all fine without something sweeet... So this for you sweet tooth... or should I say teeth... Whatever...
Carrot & Pineapple Cake
The pineapple bits were pleasant to me but not for "B"
The pineapple bits were pleasant to me but not for "B"

Ingredients for Carrot & Pineapple Cake
2 cups sifted AP Flour
1 tsp biocarbonade soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder
2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
3 cups carrots - grated
1 can pineapple - grated or cut into bits pcs
Sift in flour, biocarbonate soda, baking powder and cinnamon powder into a bowl. Break in the eggs and mix in together with sugar. Mix well. Mixture may be thick fo the moment. Add in carrpts, pineapples and a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly. Bake @180'C for 45 minutes.
2 cups sifted AP Flour
1 tsp biocarbonade soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder
2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
3 cups carrots - grated
1 can pineapple - grated or cut into bits pcs
Sift in flour, biocarbonate soda, baking powder and cinnamon powder into a bowl. Break in the eggs and mix in together with sugar. Mix well. Mixture may be thick fo the moment. Add in carrpts, pineapples and a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly. Bake @180'C for 45 minutes.
Okie docs... gotta log-off now to get ready for the show tonight.
hey darl,
why still cook when ure down wif flu? aiyaa. let "B" do da cooking once in awhile lah. call Pizza Hut ke ape...neway, my bro went to baybeats last nite. met him?
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