Chinese for tonight*
Chicken with Dried Chillies - Chinese Style

On the way home, I had decided to have Chinese for dinner. Something stir-fried, soupy with white rice in a bowl and nipping with a pair of chopstick. Yeh that... Chinese. All the way to it's cutleries. Having Chinese was pretty easy for me to whip. Cooking time is short too. Because I was devouring those Honey Bbq-ed Wings, I made a 'replica' BUT using chicken thigh fillets instead. Evenso, the dish wasn't even near it, I was satisfied coz I had chickens! Maybe, my craving was just chickens huh??? Ok, this other dish ain't anything Chinese but I die, die want to eat. Rosti aka Potato Pancake. To me it's similar to hashbrowns. In the end, I was toooo f**cking lazy and diced the potatoes instead and poured 5 beaten eggs into them. It looked like a thick omelette with potatoes. Ok laaa...
Done with dinner, I sat in front of the telly to watch Inspector Gadget @ Kids Central. Then, jeng... jeng... jeng... snif... snif... atishchooo!!! (5x). The nose began to itch, my temperature rose, reached out for a tissue and blew hard. Yelp! The mucus' out! OMG! Purlease... I can't have it now. NOT NOW! 20 minutes later and tons of tissue, I'm POSITIVE! Blocked nose and fever! Crossing my fingers, hoping that I'm NOT caught with the flu bug :-( Not when I'm in the midst of the financial review period! Haiz.....
My, my, daylillies...looks like you've been busy cooking and baking! Hope the flu bug passed u by :D
Yeh, I'm hoping on that to happen say... by TONIGHT! coz I sooo wanna go Baybeats @ Esplanade. Thanks for the concern. Evenso, I'm down, down, down... I'm cooking STILL! Let's just say it's my way therapeutic way to wind-down.
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