Orange Cookies Yohoo!
Chets... ALL due to Crabtree & Evelyn Orange Cookies! I just got hooked on their crisp pieces of citrus cookies. It was actually a gift from Sista-B. Knowing that I just lurve sweet things, she gave me half of her wedding gifts. The sweet stuffs aites. sweetsss huh*??? I wanted to get some more... but after looking at the price tag... aiks!!! I just couldn't afford it. Afford also cannot buy. Way... too... EXPENSIVE! Price just ain't right! Thus, I googled through and found these recipe from Sunkist Orange. There were loads more recipes and I'll definitely try a couple more to see which suits me best.
Not too difficult to make. It'll be easier if I had a mixer though. (My birthday coming. Anyone kind enuf to get me a mixer???) I HAD to cream the butter and sugar manually with a wooden spoon! Tiring you know!!! Usually, I'd borrow from Mommy. But, she wanted to do something with it last weekend. So I had to make do... Still, the cookies turned out great! With a tint of 'citrusy' flavour and aroma, it's enuf to satisfy my needs against Crabtree's. They're now packed neatly in my two Tupperwares, ready to be eaten. In fact, I'm left with one half full. Half more in mine and "B's" tums. Hehehheheeh... I still have a lone piece of Crabtree's Orange Cookies in it's container. Saving the best for last. winks!*
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