Monday, January 08, 2007

Pulut Serunding

"Pulut" ~ Glutinous Rice is "B's" most favourite. And in our community, glutinous rice is largely use in many-many dishes. Be it sweet or savoury or customary. These are the food of the olden days. The new generations now, very much preferred cakes, pastries, tarts, cookies, pastas, pizzas and whatnots. Be it either sweet or savoury due to the western influences. Too much teevee, advertisements, exposures and the new era spoilt our children. Sometimes including moi too. sigh*
Hence, I'm determined not to let my traditions and roots be lost. In the food sense that is. I try as I might to learn these traditional kuehs to preserve what little we have. No doubt, the cooking process is long and tedious. PATIENCE is the key to it. Another factor which seemed to be diminishing fast too. So, I reckon, that's one key point why many are not interested in preserving the kuehs of the past. Just too much work!

I got around to make "B" some Pulut Serunding. I had made the Serunding earlier and kept it in an air tight container. So, this'll cut my work into half. winks* The pulut was easy to assemble. Similar to the Kueh Lopes. It's the Serunding which makes or break the whole thing. I like the Serunding to be a little wet. Thus easier, to 'stick' them onto the pulut balls. Too dry it'll be blah...! "B" wanted the Serunding to be a little spicier the next time. Other than that, "B" gave the thumb-up. Yeah, "B" had a ball eating these babies.
Ingredients for Serunding
I'll get on to this when I've found that damn paper w/c I've scribbled the recipe on.


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