At last I found You Babe!

Of course that 2 hour long phone call wasn't enuf! (I know we could manage much longer than that huh!???) Too much to update and with us cutting into each others conversations, it took doubly long to convey what needed to say. And yeah... we digressed a bloody lot. Haiz... it sure rekindled old times huh. Remember when we used to have hours and hours of yakking over the phone. My mummy would always guess who I'm with and after several long hours, she'd shoot a dagger-ed stare prompting me to put down immediately! Hahahaaa... Those days were long gone. But the memories remained.

Oh boy, I'm grinning myself silly here. You made me feel like a little girl again. You see, I only have the image and memories of you till up to when we were teenagers. I wonder how you'll look like know??? Your voice's already a little different to start of with. Ey, better make the date for next week happen aites! We're gonna have a long, long girly talk and indefinite yakkings and catching up to do! Gosh... times sure flew by too fast. Without realising, I'm meeting a dear old friend whom I'm sure had turned out to be a beautiful lady now. Hey, I'm a lady too if you peeps might ask. A gorgeous bombshell at that too! ;-p
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