A little news... Sista-"B" is tying the knot early next year and I have a project in mind. I want to bake her a Wedding Cake. Awww!!! Nope, not that normal tier cakes (but the tiers will be there) BUT the new raves of Wedding Cupcakes! I shall use this oppurtunity to flaunt my cuppies. beams*
I had bough these patterned cups to experiment and with some fruits still in the fridge, I made some Banana Mango Muffins. No cupcakes experiment coz I'm doing away with the icing today. I had bought different sizes and patterns and decided to make use of this simple criss-cross cups first.
Hmmm... the muffins rose well but the contrast's off with the browned filled cups against the colour of the cups. The patterns fine though. I should've used the white florals or peachy fruitty cup patterns instead. NVM, it is an experiment. Jeeesh... I can't wait to do a batch and bring to Mama's to show off to her this weekend. Just crossing my fingers and hope she'll give the green light!!! While the weekend is still a couple more days to go, "B" and I had finished the first batch of muffins (which isn't so much of a surprise laaa...).
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