The flu bug had subsided (a little) and I'm getting (a little) better. Thank God nothing major happened (like me going into early contraction as predicted by gynae earlier or any other complications for that matter). But gynae is still taking precaution measures by making me visit him weekly now. It's appx 3 weeks to my EDD (Estimated Delivery Date). Since it's me first, I'm a little MORE worried. Well, who wouldn't...! I'm taking each day slowly and definitely looking forward to hold me Little Princess in my arms soon. Pweety soon!!! Still, all these didn't deter my cooking/baking spirits. It had been a lovely weekend morning today and what better way than to treat my "B" to a round or two of CHEWY-GOOEY BROWNIES!
I didn't do any lunch coz had packed some fried seafood kueh teow from Mommy yesternight. That'll do for "B". Me, I'm not in the mood for anything heavy today. Just wanted something suuuweeet. I'm determined to make a batch of chewy-gooey brownies this time round. The Idiladha Brownies I baked was a little on the cakey side. I reckon it's my silly oven's temperature. So, on to my quest. "B" wanted to take a half hour nap and instructed me to wake him up later. Well, my dear "B", I'm giving you an hour and a little extra nap today, coz... I'll wake you up only after I finish with the Brownies. Heeheheeh... Now you go shoo away and don't disturb me.
........An hour later........
The Brownies turned out as what I wanted. HooYiPPeee!!! Chewy-Gooey-Soft and most of all Chocolatey richness! Recipe isn't much of a diff to the Idiladha Brownies but I'll post the recipe again anyhow. My "B" ate the Brownies with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. Mmmmm...
Ingredients for Chewy-Gooey Brownies
350g dark chocolate chips (this time I used RedMan brand)
350g salted butter
4 eggs (I lessen the eggs this time round)
225g fine white sugar
200g AP flour
50g ground almonds
dollops of Nutella
In a pan, melt dark chocolate chips and butter. Let cool a bit. In another bowl, mix eggs and sugar. Add egg mixture into cooled chocolate mixture. Mix till combined. Add ground almonds and mix well. Sift AP flour little by little. Pour into a well grease baking tray. Scoop a spoonfull of Nutella and 'swirl' on the poured batter. Add as much Nutella as you prefer. I added 4 spoonfulls. I heart Nutella!!!!
These batch are stored for future munchies in front of the teevee
w/c I reckon they wouldn't last too long with "B" hounding around...
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