Have I confessed before...??? I lurve, adores, go crazy over sweet things! So u can guess that desserts are the bestest part of my meals. In fact whenever I could, I'd have desserts, appertisers, mains and back to desserts again and more desserts! Warghahahahaa...! Hopefully me metabolic rate would stay high forever! beams* I can already see a 'tyre' forming round me waistline... hmph...! Alright more workout at the gyms from tomorrow, erm... make it a New Year's resolution! I made some cakes and snacks for the past few nights. A Honey Date Cake and Glutinous Red Bean Balls in Green Bean Soup to counter the so cold and damp nights.
It had continuously rained from last Sunday till yesterday. Drizzled a little this morning. Total of 4 days in all! You should have heard about the flash floods that happened in the Northern-Central part of Singapore. Several nuseries were flooded and thousands of plants, flowers etc were swept away. Some houses in Buangkok Village were filled in knee-high of muddy water and many cars were stucked. Only one accident was reported though. Thank god!I had no experience of any sort coz I live way... above ground and was pretty much save from the waters. Except that my laundries won't dry for the next couple of days. They were hung since last weekend and still in the drying process. "Dear Mr Sun, I Missed You. Please come out soon, ok..." winks*
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