Saturday, May 17, 2008

M.I.A Yet Again...

Hiya peeps.... it's been sometime since I last logged in. Have started work and now staying with Mommy (for the time being till I get to a better time management and routine with Little Princess and "B"). Mommy looking after Little Princess. Erm... "B" looking after himself lar. She's 4 months as of today. Time sure flies to darn fast. I kinda forgot how she was when she's a newborn... jeesh... Little Princess is now a healthy 6.2kg (weight @ 3mth). Lotsa antics, goo-goo - gaaa-gaaing etc. She's still on total BF & EBF and already doing well with the bottle! Still remembered how we had a HARD time teaching her to suck from the bottle. I cried almost EVERYTIME! Heart wrenching! Ooops... tooo much side tracking... On the cooking issue, I'll be back soon. Wait up for my new entry. Pweety soooon...
Love you all,


Blogger ibnu marzuki al firdaus said...

dear friend,

do u've BBQ LAND & STEAMBOAT BUFFET KUANG's phone no at SG BULOH, SELANGOR @ been there? some said d price just below rm20/pax!


mal handsome

plz sms me +60128624623 or
email 2

21 September, 2008 06:46  

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